Thursday, November 10, 2011

Alright so this is my first attempt at writing an actual blog. . .
I don't quite grasp the full concept of it yet & I haven't been one for writing much!
Haven't had a Diary since elementary & I've always dreaded essays for school!
So enjoy & try not to be too harsh on me this time around!
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Nothing in this life is free.

The sooner each one of us understands this, the sooner each one of us can truly become happy

We have to work from the day we enter into this world.
To learn how to walk, talk & even use the "potty"
& then we must start school,
there are many long dreaded years of school we must attend.
We must work to pass each grade, all the way from kindergarten until Grade 12!
Well. . . for some of us, there is also University, which is even MORE work!

We have to work at a job, to make enough to feed ourselves, cloth ourselves & put a roof over our heads!
We then have to work to keep our bodies properly maintained & healthy.
We have to work to keep our clothing looking fresh & not ripped or stained.
& then we also have to work to keep out homes clean, heated, with water & we have to also furnish our homes.

We have to work to make friends, love & respect our family & find ourselves a lover.
If we do not constantly work at these relationships we could end up alone & without anyone to hear us cry,
hug us & if we need then, have our backs!

Even the smallest pet takes a lot of work.
For example a fish; to keep it alive we must attend to it everyday!

If we start a company of our own, it takes years to build up our name, credibility, clientele, image, techniques, (you get the "picture")

Even our own selves down to our cores (or souls) we have to be happy with who we are, what we have & what we do!
If we are not content with ourselves,
 NOTHING will work for us!
Not our jobs, which cover our needs,
Nor our relationship, no one wants to be around an unhappy person.
Or pets will not want to be around us if we are not happy,
they will feel our dissatisfaction & become sad themselves (OK maybe a fish won't mind)
& even our companies will crash & fall to the ground, faster than we can build it back up!

So remember YOU, your feelings, your needs, YOU come first!
Take care of yourself & always work for the present!
The past doesn't matter anymore & the future. . . Just let it happen!

Life = work
Success in all the things you do & are, will make you happy!

So remember to breath, to live, to achieve, to love, to smile & to learn from all your mistakes!

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[wurk] noun, adjective, verb, worked or wrought; working.
Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labour; toil.
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